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Cost of Living

Knowing the average living costs in Australia is an important part of your financial preparation. For your reference, here are some of the costs associated with living and studying in Australia. (All costs are in Australian dollars and linked to the consumer price index.)

  • Accommodation

    • Hostels and Guesthouses - $360 to $650 per week
    • Shared Rental - $250 to $500 per week
    • On campus - $450 to $1100 per week
    • Homestay - $800 to $1600 per week
    • Rental - $700 to $1200 per week
    • Boarding schools - $15000 to $28,000 a year

    * Other living expenses

    • Groceries and eating out - $150 to $400 per week
    • Gas, electricity - $70to $220 per week
    • Phone and Internet - $50 to $120 per week
    • Public transport - $65 to $150 per week
    • Car (after purchase) - $220 to $350 per week
    • Entertainment - $150 to $300 per week

    Minimum cost of living

    The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has financial requirements you must meet in order to receive a student visa for Australia.An international student spends between $20,000 and $30,000 per year (given your living arrangements and personal choices). From 1 July 2024 the 12 month living cost is:

    • You - $29710
    • Partner or spouse - $10394
    • Child - $4449